Vegetace skal, zdí a stabilizovaných sutí (Asplenietea trichomanis))
Vegetation of rocks, walls and stable screes
Třída SA. Asplenietea trichomanis (Br.-Bl. in Meier et Br.-Bl. 1934) Oberdorfer 1977
Svaz SAA. Cystopteridion Richard 1972
SAA01. Cystopteridetum fragilis Oberdorfer 1938
SAA02. Asplenietum rutae-murariae-trichomanis Kuhn 1937
Svaz SAB. Asplenion cuneifolii Br.-Bl. ex Eggler 1955
SAB01. Asplenietum cuneifolii Gauckler 1954
SAB02. Notholaeno marantae-Sempervivetum hirti Br.-Bl. 1961
Svaz SAC. Asplenion septentrionalis Gams ex Oberdorfer 1938
SAC01. Woodsio ilvensis-Asplenietum septentrionalis Br.-Bl. ex Tüxen 1937
SAC02. Festuco pallentis-Saxifragetum rosaceae Stöcker 1962
SAC03. Asplenio trichomanis-Polypodietum vulgaris Firbas 1924
Svaz SAD. Androsacion alpinae Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et Jenny 1926
SAD01. Cryptogrammetum crispae Oberdorfer 1957
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